Monday, December 20, 2010

The Farshads: Banning, CA Family Photographer

As I think I might have mentioned, somewhere in this jumble that is my cyber world, I will be updating this  blog with thoughts on photography, as well as thoughts on recent session, along with a couple of my favorite image from that session. So with no further ado... here is the Farshad Family!

My friendship with Tiffany and Abraham actually started during the process of them buying a home from me.  Tiffany was pregnant at the time, and not always feeling so hot, but they were such a fun couple and it was super exciting when they found a great home to start their family.  Fast forward a year and we have baby Hassan, who is now a year old!!  In honor of the big 1, Tiffany and Abraham contacted me for a photo shoot!  How did a year go by without me having met the baby?  I'm not sure, but it was such a pleasure and I am SO pleased with the images that I was able to capture. We had the perfect combination of elements: late afternoon sun and shadows accompanied by clouds, my favorite location, and of course a squeezable cutie who wasn't afraid to sit in a box or get dirty.  I can't wait to capture his 2nd birthday or maybe even 18 months if his parents are up for it!

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